
@ Cineteca Milano MIC | viale Fulvio Testi 121

Greetings from the Mayor of Milan and opening of the Festival

10:00-11:00 Screenings #1
Usciamo? (Let’s go out?) I.C.S. Margherita Hack (Cernusco sul Naviglio – MI)
Habitat I.C. G. Garibaldi (Genzano di Roma – RM)
Questa non è Roma! (This is not Rome!) I.C. Ennio Morricone (Roma)
Psittacus IV I.C.S. Domenico Costa (Augusta – SR)
Zombieschool I.C. Giusti-D’Assisi (Milano)


11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:05 Screenings #2
Three Colours of Lana Gredelj, Croatia (Kutina)
What Mouth Speaks, Hands Make v.a., Croatia (Varaždin)
Third Eye of Anabela Mlinarić, Croatia (Varaždin)
The Legend of Velebaba v.a., Slovenia
Kino (Cinema) of Sebastian Szewczykowski, Poland (Gdansk)


12:05-12:15 Break

12:15-13:30 Screenings #3
Grosso guaio alla Severi (Big trouble at the Severi school) I.C. F. Severi (Arezzo)
Tous les mêmes I.C Teglia (Genova)
Meglio tardi (Better late) I.C. S. F. Santagata (Gricignano di Aversa – CE)
Lo scambio (The exchange) I.C. Giusti-D’Assisi (Milano)
L’archivio dimenticato (Forgotten archive) I.C. Giusti-D’Assisi (Milano)


13:30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-15:10 Screenings #4
Fame and Stage Fright of Ariel Pino and Diego Lopez
Aitor 3rd year of middle school School Nou Patufet, Spain (Barcelona)
Mother-Father of Elena Turkamand, Iran
Song of Yuna Hosseini, Iran
Reclaiming the Colour 6th year of Elementary School School of Ovar, Portugal (Aveiro)


@ Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Aula Massa, Building U6, 4th floor – piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1

14:30-16:00 MEETING
QUASIDOMO: Un mito a Milano QUASIDOMO: A Myth in Milan

The meeting is about the presentation of the animation laboratory conceived by Emanuela Mancino – professor of Philosophy of Education at the Univesità Milano-Bicocca – and created by Marco Ferro, author and director, and Martino Ferro, writer and screenwriter, of ISTMI – Illustri Scrittori & Tipografi Milano – at the primary school of the Giusti D’Assisi Institute, as part of the cinema workshops at school organized by Circonvalla Film, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Cinema of the Department of Human Sciences for Education “R. Massa”.


@ Cineteca Milano MIC | viale Fulvio Testi 121

15:10-15:25 Break

15:25-16:35 Screenings #5
Costi & Leo Istituto Minutoli (Palermo)
Il curatore (The curator) Scuola di Recitazione UniArte (Pomigliano d’Arco – NA)
Buco nell’acqua (Hole in the water) Istituto Sociale (Torino)
Maria, quella vera (Maria, the real one) I.P.S.S.S. A. Gabriele (Tortora – CS)
Più o meno (More or less) I.I.S. L. Signorelli (Cortona – AR)


16:35-16:50 Out of competition
Con il cuore non si scherza (You don’t joke with your heart) I.C. Giusti-D’Assisi (Milano)
Sopravvissuti (The survivors) I.C. Giusti-D’Assisi (Milano)

@ Civica Scuola di Cinema  Luchino Visconti
Aula Magna, viale Fulvio Testi 121

17:30-19:30 MEETING
Cinema a Scuola, un’opportunità da cogliere? (Cinema at School, an opportunity worth seizing?)

The meeting is dedicated to evaluations and reflections on the pedagogical and didactic impact of cinema at school as a curricular subject in Italy and Europe, an event organized in collaboration with the Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti and with the Ministry of Culture. The need for innovative teaching emerges, which responds to the needs of today’s young people, who wish to express themselves and talk about themselves, using technological tools that give them access to the world of moving images. Speakers: Bruno Zambardino, Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture; Emanuela Mancino, professor of Philosophy of Education at the Univesità Milano-Bicocca; Tobia Rossi, screenwriter and teacher at the Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti; Laura Barbirato, pedagogist and trainer specialized in social pedagogy; Daniela Invernizzi, UNICEF Italy; Ana and Margareta Dordic, high school teachers, Croatian Film Association; Fabio Martina, director, head of the cinema workshops at the Circonvalla Film school, artistic director of the Baloss Milan Junior Film Festival.
Moderated by Andrea Chimento, professor of cinema history at the Univesità Cattolica di Milano and film critic. Initial greetings of Minnie Ferrara, director of the Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti.


@ Cineteca Milano MIC | viale Fulvio Testi 121

9:30-10:35 Screenings #6
Tiger (72000 BC – 2059 AD) of Renee Shi, USA (Virginia)
Scared of kids of workshops ATOM, Kyrghizistan (Biskek)
Axinos of Anna Maria Kakona e Calliopi Villy Kotoula, Greece (Atene)
Sweet, Sweet New Year v.a., Georgia (Tbilisi)
My day in Kiyv in Summer 2022 of Elina Myshanych, Ukraine (Kiyv)


10:35-10:45 Break

10:45-11:50 screenings #7
Far finta? (Pretend?) I.C. Savio-Montalcini (Capurso – BA)
Il corridoio (The corridor) I.C. Olcese (Roma)
Una vita in plastica (A life of plastic) I.C. Albano (Albano Laziale – RM)
La schiava geniale (The brilliant slave) I.C. Albano (Albano Laziale – RM)
Furto in classe (Theft in the classroom) I.C. Rinnovata Pizzigoni (Milano)


11:50-12:00 Break

12:00-13:00 screenings #8
The Domesticated Child of Noah Bernasconi, Switzerland
Wong Fei Timeless Foundation of Jason Lo e di Nicholas Gao, Hong Kong
Goodbye War of Nathan Ko, South Korea
Scavenger of Atelier Caméléon of Nadège Herrygers, Belgium (Hainaut)
Sweater Yarn of Atelier Caméléon of Nadège Herrygers, Belgium (Hainaut)

13:00-13:15 Out of Competition Gli occhi non mentono (The eyes don’t lie) I.C. Rinnovata Pizzigoni (Milano)


13:15-14:15 Lunch break

14:15-15:35 Screenings #9
Scatti sul passato (Shots of the past) Liceo Artistico Basile – I.C. Vittorini (Messina)
Il bosco delle lepri (The hares’s forest) Liceo Scientifico Statale Archimede (Messina)
La scelta giusta (The right choice) I.C. Stefano D’Arrigo (Alì Terme – ME)
Quella che non sono (The one I’m not) I.C. Rinnovata Pizzigoni (Milano)
Gli ostacoli (The obstacles) I.C. Rinnovata Pizzigoni (Milano)


15:35-15:45 Break

15:45-16:35 Screenings #10
The Kid’s Gotta Go! v.a., Germany (Hamburg)
A Wistful Beyond Compare of V. Raymond Batahong, Malaysia (Sabah, Kota Kinabalu)
Got it? of Nikolas Antypas, Greece (Olympia)
Give me a kiss goodnight v.a. Greece (Olympia)
Fake Reality of Dimitris Trahanis, Greece (Olympia)

16:35-16:50 Out of Competition Ameroet I.C. Rinnovata Pizzigoni (Milano)


16:50-17:30 The boys’ and girls’ Jury meets

17:00-18:00 WORKSHOP Film Education in School

The workshop with Ana and Margareta Dordić (Croatian Film Association) is about the methodology of film education at school. Ana and Margareta Dordić are high school teachers, they carry out cinema workshops with teenagers and will illustrate their method of teaching cinema at school.
Croatian Film Association (CFA) is an association of non-professional film clubs operating in Croatia since 1928. Founded in 1963, the Association works today as part of the Croatian Technical Culture Union. CFA assembles film clubs, groups and individuals from primary school to adult members, encourages their work, contributes to their education, and works on preservation of best film works of non-professional cinema.

@ Teatro Bruno Munari | via Giovanni Bovio 5

9:30-10:45 Greetings and screening of all the short films made in the 2023 school year by Circonvalla Film as part of the projects:
Lo specchio dipinto (The painted mirror) for I.C. Rinnovata Pizzigoni
Grosso film a Chinatown (Big movie in Chinatown) for I.C. Giusti-D’Assisi

10:45-11:15 Presentation and screenings of QUASIDOMO: Un mito a Milano (QUASIDOMO: A Myth in Milan)

by Emanuela Mancino (Università Milano Bicocca), Marco Ferro and Martino Ferro (ISTMI)

11:15-11:30 Made by Phone

11:30-13:30 Awards ceremony and screenings of the winning short movies